Back Door Opening Patch Upper Right Hand

About this product

The Back Door Opening Patch Upper Right Hand (#61771-0C010), a vital Body part in the Side Member system of Toyota vehicles, plays a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of the vehicle. This patch is specifically designed to fit seamlessly into the structure, enhancing rigidity and strength. Genuine Toyota parts are known for their superior compatibility with the vehicle, and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Back Door Opening Patch Upper Right Hand (#61771-0C010) can wear down or become damaged due to exposure to the elements, potentially compromising the safety and functionality of the vehicle. Hence, periodic replacement is essential. A worn or damaged patch may not provide the necessary structural support, potentially causing instability in the vehicle. The Back Door Opening Patch Upper Right Hand (#61771-0C010) contributes significantly to the vehicle's overall safety by maintaining the rigidity and strength of the vehicle structure, assuring a safer and more comfortable ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61771-0C010

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