Front Floor Patch Rear

About this product

The Front Floor Patch Rear (#58169-62020), a key component of the Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel system in Toyota vehicles, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the structural integrity and safety of the passenger compartment. This body part is designed to repair or reinforce the vehicle's floor pan, an area susceptible to damage and corrosion. Genuine Toyota Front Floor Patch Rear (#58169-62020)es, specifically designed for compatibility with your Toyota vehicle, are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the floor patch may become worn or corroded, necessitating replacement. Neglecting to replace an old or damaged floor patch can lead to further corrosion and might compromise the vehicle's structural integrity. By maintaining a robust floor patch, overall safety and efficiency are upheld, as this part helps keep the passenger compartment secure and debris-free.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58169-62020

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