Clutch Pedal Pawl

About this product

The Clutch Pedal Pawl (#31329-10010), a pivotal Drive-Chassis component within the Clutch Pedal & Flexible Hose system, serves a crucial role in your Toyota vehicle. This part is responsible for engaging and disengaging the clutch, thus enabling you to shift gears smoothly and efficiently. When operational, the pawl interacts with other components to maintain a balanced pressure distribution, facilitating seamless gear transitions. As the pawl wears out over time, it may hinder clutch operations, potentially leading to gear-shifting delays, reduced fuel efficiency, and increased wear on other parts. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is vital for vehicle compatibility and performance. Genuine parts like the Clutch Pedal Pawl (#31329-10010) are backed by Toyota's comprehensive parts warranty. Ultimately, a well-functioning Clutch Pedal Pawl (#31329-10010) contributes to your vehicle's overall safety and efficiency, ensuring optimal drive experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 31329-10010

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