Pedal Assembly-Brake Las

About this product

The Pedal Assembly-Brake Las (#SU003-00959), a critical component in the Drive-Chassis part of the Brake Pedal & Bracket system, plays a primary role in initiating the braking process in a vehicle. It comprises of a lever that a driver uses to activate the brake system, signaling the car to slow down or stop. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Pedal Assembly-Brake Las (#SU003-00959), are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle, and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part can become worn or possibly break, leading to a reduced response or even failure of the braking system. Regular replacement of this part is therefore essential to maintain the vehicle's braking efficiency and overall safety. By fitting a brand new Pedal Assembly-Brake Las (#SU003-00959), you're significantly contributing to the safe operation of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00959

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