Pedal Assembly Left Hand Mt Lm

About this product

The Pedal Assembly Left Hand Mt Lm (#SU003-09875) is a crucial Drive-Chassis part of the Brake Pedal & Bracket system in a Toyota vehicle. This component plays a central role in enabling the driver to control the vehicle's braking system effectively. As the driver applies pressure to the pedal, this assembly transmits that force to the brake mechanism, allowing the car to slow down or stop. Significantly, as this part undergoes regular wear and tear, it may become less responsive, leading to potential braking inefficiency. In extreme cases, a worn-out Pedal Assembly Left Hand Mt Lm (#SU003-09875) could even risk brake failure. Regular replacement of this part is therefore key to maintaining optimal braking performance. Opting for genuine Toyota parts like the Pedal Assembly Left Hand Mt Lm (#SU003-09875) ensures compatibility with your vehicle, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This not only maintains the effectiveness of the brake system but also contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09875

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