Sprg Pin Kit

About this product

The Sprg Pin Kit (#04484-35020) is an essential auto part for the Drive-Chassis Front and Rear Spring & Shock Absorber systems in Toyota vehicles. This kit plays a crucial role in maintaining the alignment and stability of the suspension system while in operation. The components of the kit help join the suspension parts together, allowing them to move cohesively. Like all auto parts, the Sprg Pin Kit (#04484-35020) is subject to wear and tear, making periodic replacement necessary. Failure to do so could result in misalignment, unstable driving, and even system failures. Using genuine parts like Toyota’s Sprg Pin Kit (#04484-35020) ensures vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This kit is vital for efficient and safe vehicle operation, promoting smooth driving and reducing wear on other components. Achieving optimal performance requires the use of quality, genuine parts and timely maintenance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 04484-35010;48408-35010
Part Number 04484-35020

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