Piston Pin

About this product

The Piston Pin (#13251-0P020-A0), a crucial component in Toyota's Crankshaft & Piston system, plays a significant role in connecting the piston to the connecting rod. It enables the conversion of linear motion of the piston into the rotary motion of the crankshaft, a fundamental mechanism in the engine's operation. However, with frequent use, the Piston Pin (#13251-0P020-A0) can wear out, resulting in loss of performance or possibly, engine damage. Hence, regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts is advisable. These original parts are designed for compatibility, providing optimum performance and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a functional Piston Pin (#13251-0P020-A0) contributes to the overall efficiency of the engine. Regular maintenance and replacement uphold the safety and longevity of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 13251-0H040-A0;13251-28020-A0
Part Number 13251-0P020-A0
Color Name Mark A

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