Ring Pin

About this product

The Ring Pin (#90253-11021), a vital component in numerous Toyota drive-chassis and engine-fuel systems, plays a crucial role in securing other parts and facilitating seamless operation. This pin acts as a fastener, providing stability and alignment to the inner components of these systems. Over time, wear and tear can compromise the pin's function, making periodic replacement essential. Neglecting to replace a worn-out Ring Pin (#90253-11021) can result in system misalignment, leading to impaired performance and potential safety issues. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Ring Pin (#90253-11021), are highly recommended for compatibility with your vehicle. They are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing an assurance of quality and performance. In the systems where the Ring Pin (#90253-11021) is present, it contributes significantly to efficiency and safety, directly impacting the vehicle’s overall performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90253-A0007
Part Number 90253-11021

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