Ring Pin

About this product

The Ring Pin (#90253-A0002), a crucial component in the Rear Axle Housing & Differential system, plays a critical role in the Drive-Chassis of your Toyota vehicle. It functions by engaging with the differential gears, enabling the transfer of power from the engine to the wheels. Over time, this part can wear down or become damaged, necessitating replacement. Using a genuine Toyota Ring Pin (#90253-A0002) ensures compatibility and optimal performance, backed by Toyota’s genuine parts warranty. Failure to replace a worn or damaged Ring Pin (#90253-A0002) can lead to poor vehicle handling or even complete power loss, compromising both safety and efficiency. By ensuring a well-functioning Ring Pin (#90253-A0002), you not only improve your vehicle's performance but also maintain its safety standards, making it a worthwhile investment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90253-A0002

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