Seat Lock Connecting Pin

About this product

The Seat Lock Connecting Pin (#726410C010), a crucial auto part in the Body/Seat & Seat Track system of a vehicle, plays a fundamental role in securing the seat position. This pin, when installed, works in unison with the seat lock mechanism, locking the seat into the desired position for the driver or passenger. Like any other mechanical part, over time, it may become worn and require replacement to maintain optimal function. If the Seat Lock Connecting Pin (#726410C010) becomes old or broken, the seat may not lock properly, posing a safety risk. Genuine Toyota Seat Lock Connecting Pin (#726410C010)s are created with precise compatibility with your vehicle in mind and are covered by Toyota's official parts warranty. Regular replacement of this pin contributes significantly to the safety and comfort of your vehicle's seating system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 726410C010

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