Slotted Spring Pin

About this product

The Slotted Spring Pin (#90254-05004), a significant component in the Drive-Chassis category, plays a pivotal role in the Transfer Lever & Shift Rod system of a Toyota vehicle. This pin is designed to hold parts in precise alignment, resisting lateral movement and rotational wear. The pin functions by expanding after insertion into a hole, locking itself in place, ensuring the components in the vehicle's transmission system are secure. Genuine Toyota Autoparts offer optimal compatibility with vehicle models and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of the Slotted Spring Pin (#90254-05004) is important to maintain the vehicle's performance. An aged or damaged pin could result in misalignment of parts in the system, causing erratic shifting and potential damage to the transmission. Contributing to the overall efficiency and safety, this pin helps to maintain a smooth and reliable operation of the vehicle's transmission system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90254-05004

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