Spring Tension Pin

About this product

The Spring Tension Pin (#13575-64010), a vital engine-fuel part in the Camshaft & Valve system of a Toyota car, plays a significant role in maintaining the engine's functionality. It works by holding other components of the valve system in place, providing the necessary tension to ensure optimal performance. Like many other auto parts, the Spring Tension Pin (#13575-64010) does not last forever and requires periodic replacement. If the part becomes old, clogged, broken, or non-functional, it may result in a decline in engine performance or even cause severe engine damage. By using genuine Toyota parts, such as the Spring Tension Pin (#13575-64010), vehicle compatibility is met. Moreover, Toyota's genuine parts warranty supports these genuine parts, providing added assurance for customers. This particular part is crucial for the overall efficiency of the engine and significantly contributes to the safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 13575-64010

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