Seat Track Open Lever Pin Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Seat Track Open Lever Pin Sub-Assembly (#72205-60070) is an integral part of the Seat & Seat Track system in Toyota vehicles. This component is primarily responsible for adjusting the position of the car seat for optimum comfort and safety. It operates by engaging with other parts of the seat track system to allow for smooth and precise seat adjustment. Periodic replacement of this part is vital, as wear and tear over time can hinder its efficiency. An old or broken Seat Track Open Lever Pin Sub-Assembly (#72205-60070) could result in a less responsive seat adjustment mechanism, potentially compromising the comfort and safety of the driver and passengers. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for their compatibility with the vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This sub-assembly is not an exception, its use promotes the overall efficiency and safety of the system it is integrated within.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72205-60070

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