Differential Pinion

About this product

The Differential Pinion (#41341-12030), a critical component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Center Support & Planetary Sun Gear and Axle Housing & Differential systems, plays a pivotal role in translating engine power to wheel movement. This genuine Toyota part meshes with the ring gear, allowing the wheels to rotate at varying speeds - crucial during turns. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Differential Pinion (#41341-12030), offer superior vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, Differential Pinion (#41341-12030)s can wear out, leading to a noisy differential or even transmission failure if left unchecked. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary to not only maintain optimal vehicle performance but also prevent costly repairs. Ultimately, the Differential Pinion (#41341-12030) bolsters the efficiency of your Toyota vehicle and enhances safety by ensuring smooth and controlled wheel motion.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 41341-01030;41341-01010;41341-05020;41341-05010;41341-22020
Part Number 41341-12030

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