Differential Pinion

About this product

The Differential Pinion (#41341-WB001), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in Toyota's Front Axle Housing & Differential system, handles power transmission from the drive shaft to the differential gears. As the drive shaft revolves, this well-crafted component rotates, making the wheels turn at varying speeds, thus permitting smooth and stable cornering. However, over time, the Differential Pinion (#41341-WB001) can wear out, become clogged with debris, or even break, adversely affecting the vehicle’s performance. If left unattended, this could potentially lead to hazardous driving conditions. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended for optimal compatibility and performance. These parts are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining a functioning Differential Pinion (#41341-WB001), you contribute to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle, ensuring a smoother, safer ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 41341-WB001

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