Air Pipe Assembly

About this product

The Air Pipe Assembly (#17360-62011), categorized as an Engine-Fuel part within the Vacuum Piping system, plays a critical role in efficiently managing the air-fuel mixture of the vehicle. It directs filtered air from the air intake system to the throttle body, allowing combustion in the engine to occur. Like all components, it is subject to wear and tear. A deteriorated, clogged, or non-functional Air Pipe Assembly (#17360-62011) can cause engine inefficiency, leading to decreased power and fuel economy. Therefore, periodic replacement with Toyota genuine parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is vital for maintaining the vehicle’s performance and compatibility. In conclusion, the Air Pipe Assembly (#17360-62011) is a fundamental part of the Vacuum Piping system that contributes significantly to the overall operational efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17360-62011

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