Oil Pipe Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Oil Pipe Sub-Assembly (#15707-WB002), a vital component in the Cylinder Head system, is an Engine-Fuel part that facilitates the smooth flow of oil to the engine. Its primary role is to channel lubricating oil to the engine components, reducing friction and wear while minimizing the risk of overheating. This vital function involves a series of interconnected components, including oil filters and oil pumps, working together in harmony. Over time, this part may become clogged or wear out, disrupting the oil flow and potentially causing engine damage due to inadequate lubrication. Hence, periodic replacement is essential. Genuine parts from Toyota not only enhance vehicle compatibility but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering additional peace of mind. In terms of overall efficiency and safety, the Oil Pipe Sub-Assembly (#15707-WB002) is indispensable as it aids in maintaining optimal engine performance and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 15707-WB002

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