Water Pipe Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Water Pipe Sub-Assembly (#87208-62010) is a vital electrical component within the FCV Cooling system for Toyota vehicles. It serves a pivotal role by allowing coolant to flow through the system, effectively dissipating heat from the fuel cell stack. This process involves several components, including coolant, piping, and an electrical pump to maintain optimal circulation. As an integral part of your vehicle, this assembly should be replaced periodically. Over time, the pipe can become clogged or deteriorated, hindering the cooling process. This could cause the fuel cell stack to overheat, leading to diminished performance or potential damage. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Water Pipe Sub-Assembly (#87208-62010), are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The functioning of this part directly contributes to the efficiency and overall safety of your vehicle's FCV Cooling system. Therefore, ensuring its timely replacement is essential for maintaining your vehicle's performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87208-62010

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