Water Pipe

About this product

The Water Pipe (#87156-06030), a crucial electrical component in Toyota's Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system, plays an essential role in maintaining vehicle comfort. This part, specifically designed for compatibility with Toyota vehicles, channels coolant fluid throughout the cooler unit to help regulate the vehicle's internal temperature. The water pipe, over time, may become clogged, old, or broken. This can lead to a lack of effective temperature regulation, causing discomfort and potentially damaging other components. Regular replacement of this part, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is key to ensuring optimal performance and longevity of the cooler system. In conclusion, the Water Pipe (#87156-06030), when in good condition, contributes to the overall efficiency of the air conditioning system, providing a comfortable driving experience even under extreme weather conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87156-06030

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