Water Pipe

About this product

The Water Pipe (#87248-26880), a critical component in the Toyota Electrical Heating & Air Conditioning - Water Piping system and the Engine-Fuel Radiator & Water Outlet system, carries coolant to regulate engine temperature. While the engine is running, the Water Pipe (#87248-26880) circulates coolant from the radiator to the engine, dissipating heat to prevent overheating. However, this part requires routine replacement to prevent damage from age or blockage. If left unaddressed, an old, obstructed or broken Water Pipe (#87248-26880) can lead to engine overheating, causing serious mechanical issues. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for compatibility with your vehicle, and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By efficiently transferring coolant, the Water Pipe (#87248-26880) sustains optimal engine temperature, contributing significantly to engine performance and vehicle safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87248-26880

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