1st & Reverse Brake Piston

About this product

The 1st & Reverse Brake Piston (#35623-60070), an integral part of the Drive-Chassis category, plays a crucial role in the Planetary Gear, Reverse Piston & Counter Gear (Atm) system. While in operation, it engages and disengages gears to facilitate smooth and efficient shifting between first gear and reverse gear. Partnering with closely related parts such as the planetary gear set and counter gear, it ensures optimised performance. This part, like all genuine components, is crafted to Toyota’s strict specifications, offering perfect compatibility with your vehicle, and is backed by Toyota's Genuine Parts warranty. However, periodic replacement of this essential component is advised. As it ages, it may become worn, clogged or broken, which could potentially disrupt gear shifting, impacting the vehicle's overall performance. By maintaining optimal operation of this part, you not only enhance the efficiency of your vehicle's transmission system, but also uphold the safety standards for which Toyota is renowned.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35623-60070

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