Piston Kit

About this product

The Piston Kit (#04493-12120), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Brake Master Cylinder system, plays a fundamental role in maintaining your vehicle's braking performance. As the brake pedal is pressed, the pistons in the Brake Master Cylinder compress brake fluid, sending it through the brake lines and assisting the brake pads to clamp onto the rotors, thus slowing or stopping your vehicle. As with most components, the Piston Kit (#04493-12120) does not last indefinitely. Over time, it may wear out, become clogged, or even break. When this happens, brake efficiency is drastically reduced, possibly leading to longer stopping distances or complete brake failure. Regular replacement of the Piston Kit (#04493-12120) with genuine Toyota parts not only ensures compatibility with your vehicle but also benefits from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This component is vital to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's braking system, making regular maintenance and replacement crucial for safe driving.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 04493-12120

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