Brake Piston Kit

About this product

The Brake Piston Kit (#04493-35200), part of the Brake Master Cylinder system in the Drive-Chassis category, plays a critical role in vehicle safety. It works by forcing brake fluid into the caliper, applying pressure to the brake pads against the disc, thus slowing or stopping the vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts like this are not only designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle but are also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the piston in the Brake Piston Kit (#04493-35200) can become worn, clogged or non-functional, impacting its efficiency. Without regular replacement, this could lead to decreased braking power or even total brake failure, posing a significant safety risk. By maintaining a functional Brake Piston Kit (#04493-35200), you are safeguarding the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's braking system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 04493-35200

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