Direct Clutch Piston Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Direct Clutch Piston Sub-Assembly (#35606-52020), a vital component in Toyota's Brake Band & Multiple Disc Clutch (Atm) system, plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth gear transitions. As the driver operates the vehicle, the piston sub-assembly applies pressure to the clutch packs, facilitating the shifting of gears. However, like other mechanical components, the Direct Clutch Piston Sub-Assembly (#35606-52020) is prone to wear and tear. If it becomes old, clogged, or damaged, the gear transitions could become jerky, or worst-case scenario, the vehicle may fail to shift gears at all. Using genuine Toyota parts like this one is crucial for vehicle compatibility and reliability. Furthermore, Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs these parts, offering peace of mind to the customer. This part's optimal functioning is crucial to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35606-52020

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