STD Piston with Pin

About this product

The STD Piston with Pin (#13101-61011), a crucial component under the category of Engine-Fuel, operates within the Crankshaft & Piston system of your Toyota vehicle. This auto part's primary role is to transfer force from the expanding gases in the engine to the crankshaft, thus creating the motion that powers your vehicle. This process involves the interplay of several components, including the piston rings, cylinder, and connecting rod. With time, the piston and pin can wear out or get damaged, negatively affecting the engine's performance. This highlights the necessity for periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, which are designed for vehicle compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If this crucial part becomes non-functional, it could cause significant engine damage and compromise the vehicle's overall efficiency and safety. Hence, maintaining the optimal functioning of the STD Piston with Pin (#13101-61011) contributes to the smooth operation and longevity of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 13101-61011

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