Plate Air Flap Front Left Hand

About this product

The Plate Air Flap F Left Hand (#SU003-09285), a critical component in the Hood & Front Fender system, primarily serves to control airflow to the vehicle's engine. Functioning in harmony with other parts, this device opens and closes automatically to modulate air intake, therefore contributing to optimal engine performance and fuel efficiency. Genuine Toyota parts like the Plate Air Flap F Left Hand (#SU003-09285) are designed for perfect fit and compatibility, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part can wear out or become clogged, impairing its function. When this happens, it may reduce engine performance, fuel efficiency, and potentially cause damage to the engine. Replacing this part when necessary helps maintain the vehicle's optimal operating conditions while aiding in the longevity of the engine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09285

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