Air Sealed Plate Left Hand

About this product

The Air Sealed Plate Left Hand (#53748-22010), a crucial body part in the Front Fender Apron & Dash Panel system of Toyota vehicles, plays a pivotal role in maintaining vehicle integrity. This plate acts as a barrier, preventing the entry of unwanted air or debris into the system. The precise fit and functionality of genuine Toyota parts, including the Air Sealed Plate Left Hand (#53748-22010), work harmoniously within the system, ensuring vehicle compatibility. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs these parts, supporting their longevity and reliability. Nevertheless, like other parts, the Air Sealed Plate Left Hand (#53748-22010) may require replacement over time. If left unchecked, an old or damaged Air Sealed Plate Left Hand (#53748-22010) may allow unwanted elements into the system, potentially affecting the vehicle's overall operation. By upholding the vehicle's integrity, the Air Sealed Plate Left Hand (#53748-22010) contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of the system in which it's installed.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 53748-22010

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