Plate Anchor Lower Cp

About this product

The Plate Anchor Lower Cp (#SU003-03398) is a crucial Body part in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system of a Toyota vehicle. Its primary role involves securing the rear seat in place, providing stability during any movement or impact. This function is crucial for passenger safety and comfort, and relies on the robust construction of genuine Toyota parts for optimal compatibility and performance. Like all mechanical components, the Plate Anchor Lower Cp (#SU003-03398) may suffer from wear and tear over time, leading to reduced function or even failure. Neglecting to replace this part could result in an unstable rear seat, posing a risk to passengers. Toyota's genuine parts warranty supports the Plate Anchor Lower Cp (#SU003-03398), reflecting its role in maintaining the vehicle's safety standards. By keeping the rear seat securely anchored, it enhances the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03398

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