Combination Meter Circuit Plate #4

About this product

The Combination Meter Circuit Plate #4 (#83864-47100), a prominent electrical part within Toyota's Meter system, plays an integral role in conveying accurate dashboard readings. This component processes information related to various vehicle metrics such as speed, fuel level, and engine status. The effective functioning of this part is crucial for the overall performance and safety of the vehicle. With time, the circuit plate may wear out, resulting in inaccurate readings or complete loss of dashboard functionality. This could create safety concerns and impact the overall efficiency of the vehicle. Hence, periodic replacement of the plate using genuine Toyota parts is recommended. These parts offer seamless compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the Combination Meter Circuit Plate #4 (#83864-47100), you help uphold the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle, contributing to an optimal driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 83864-47100

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