Plate Compl

About this product

The Plate Compl (#SU003-08875) is a pivotal Drive-Chassis part in the Shift Lever & Retainer system of Toyota vehicles. It plays a crucial role in transferring the motion from the shift lever to the transmission, ensuring a smooth gear shift. Genuine Toyota Plate Compl (#SU003-08875) parts are designed for compatibility with your vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As this part is subjected to regular wear and tear, it may become old or broken, affecting its function. If not replaced, this could lead to gear shifting-related issues, and in extreme cases, could potentially block the gear system altogether. Hence, periodic replacement of the Plate Compl (#SU003-08875) is vital. A well-functioning Plate Compl (#SU003-08875) contributes significantly to the efficiency of the gear system and safety of the vehicle. It ensures smooth gear changing and allows the driver to have more control over the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-08875

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