Console Box Plate

About this product

The Console Box Plate (#58919-06010), a crucial body part in the Console Box & Bracket system for Toyota vehicles, is primarily responsible for adding structural support and stability. As an integral component, it helps in maintaining the alignment and positioning of the console box, preventing any form of displacement or rattling while the vehicle is in operation. Without regular replacement, an old or damaged Console Box Plate (#58919-06010) may lead to a misaligned console box, potentially causing distraction or inconvenience during driving. Genuine Toyota parts not only fit your vehicle perfectly but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, ensuring your piece of mind. In conclusion, the Console Box Plate (#58919-06010) contributes significantly to the overall comfort and safety of the vehicle by maintaining the stability and alignment of the console box, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58919-06010

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