Ctr Floor Rear End Plate

About this product

The Ctr Floor Rear End Plate (#58219-06010), a crucial Body part in the Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover system of Toyota vehicles, plays a pivotal role in structural integrity. This part, when functioning correctly, provides critical support and balance to the vehicle's underbody. It interacts with other components, such as the chassis and frame, to maintain vehicle stability. A worn-out or damaged Ctr Floor Rear End Plate (#58219-06010) can compromise the vehicle's overall structure, leading to potential safety hazards. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for compatibility and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A properly maintained Ctr Floor Rear End Plate (#58219-06010) contributes to the overall efficiency of the vehicle by ensuring the smooth operation of the Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover system. Thus, the Ctr Floor Rear End Plate (#58219-06010) not only bolsters the vehicle's structure but also factors into passenger safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58219-06010

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