Dash Panel Insulator Plate Lower Right Hand

About this product

The Dash Panel Insulator Plate Lower Right Hand (#55238-0R010), a critical component in Toyota's Body Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel and Body Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member systems, plays a pivotal role in damping noise and reducing heat transmission into the vehicle. It functions by providing a physical barrier, effectively isolating the cabin from engine noise and heat. Like any car part, the Dash Panel Insulator Plate Lower Right Hand (#55238-0R010) can wear down over time, leading to increased cabin noise and heat. Thus, it's recommended to replace it periodically to maintain cabin comfort. Genuine Toyota parts offer ideal compatibility and come covered by Toyota's Genuine Parts Warranty. By including a well-maintained Dash Panel Insulator Plate Lower Right Hand (#55238-0R010) in your vehicle, you enhance ride comfort and safety. This part's effective operation contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the car, offering a serene and comfortable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 55238-42010
Part Number 55238-0R010

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