Disc Brake Caliper Plate #1

About this product

The Disc Brake Caliper Plate #1 (#47795-14010), an important component in the Front Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system, plays a critical role in the drive-chassis category. Its primary function is to help stabilize the brake caliper and facilitate appropriate brake pad displacement during operation. Genuine Toyota parts, such as this, facilitate better vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In time, it's mandatory to replace the Disc Brake Caliper Plate #1 (#47795-14010) as it could become worn, broken, or non-functional. The consequences of a defective or old Caliper Plate are severe, with potential brake malfunctions that can lead to safety risks. Regular maintenance and replacement of this part ultimately leads to a safe and efficient braking system, contributing significantly to your vehicle's overall safety and performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 47795-14010

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