Engine Vacuum Hose Information Plate

About this product

The Engine Vacuum Hose Information Plate (#17792-15040), a significant component within Toyota's Engine-Fuel category, plays a crucial role in the Caution Plate & Name Plate (Engine) system. It provides critical data about the vacuum hose layout, facilitating proper routing and connection, which is vital for engine performance and fuel efficiency. The plate's role is integral as incorrect routing can lead to poor engine performance or even engine damage. Genuine Toyota parts like this are designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As with all engine parts, the Information Plate is subject to wear over time. If it gets old or damaged, the information displayed could become illegible, leading to incorrect vacuum hose installation during maintenance. Therefore, regular replacement is recommended for optimal performance. Ultimately, this part contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the engine system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17792-15040

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