Plate Foot Rest Lhd

About this product

The Plate Foot Rest Lhd (#SU003-01362), a key component in Toyota's Body Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel and the Body Mat & Carpet systems, serves a critical purpose in maintaining passenger comfort and vehicle safety. This part supports the driver's foot during operation, providing stable footing and reducing fatigue on long drives. As it's subjected to constant wear and tear, regular replacement of this genuine Toyota part enhances vehicle compatibility and overall driving experience. When the Plate Foot Rest Lhd (#SU003-01362) becomes old or broken, it may result in discomfort or a risk of slipping, potentially compromising driver control. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Plate Foot Rest Lhd (#SU003-01362), are sustained by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. Overall, the Plate Foot Rest Lhd (#SU003-01362) contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of the automobile by providing a comfortable and secure footrest for the driver.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01362

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