Fuel Inlet Box Plate

About this product

The Fuel Inlet Box Plate (#61729-0C020) is a critical auto part in the Side Member system category for Toyota vehicles. This component plays a significant role in directing fuel into the vehicle's engine from the inlet pipe. It operates by providing a secured plate for the fuel line to connect and preserve the fluid flow. Specific components that contribute to its function include the inlet pipe and fuel line. Regular replacement is necessary as an old or clogged Fuel Inlet Box Plate (#61729-0C020) may hinder fuel flow, leading to inefficient engine performance and potential damage. Authentic Toyota parts are recommended for compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Fuel Inlet Box Plate (#61729-0C020) contributes to the overall efficiency of the Side Member system, ensuring a smooth and regular fuel supply for the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61729-0C020

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