Heater Control Name Plate

About this product

The Heater Control Name Plate (#55519-42130), an essential part in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system, is an electrical component that plays a vital role in managing the car's heating mechanism. It allows for the regulation of heat levels within the vehicle, ensuring optimal comfort for the driver and passengers. The mechanisms within this part can deteriorate over time, causing the system to fail or misread the temperature settings, delivering an uncomfortable, too hot or too cold, driving environment. Hence, it is necessary to replace this part periodically to maintain the appropriate level of heating in the vehicle. Using genuine parts not only assures compatibility with the vehicle but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, a functional Heater Control Name Plate (#55519-42130) helps maintain the efficiency of the heating system, contributing to the overall comfort and safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55519-42130

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