Instrument Retainer Plate

About this product

The Instrument Retainer Plate (#55312-60091), a vital Body part in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, holds the gauges, controls, and informative displays in place within the vehicle's dashboard. Its main role is to secure these instruments, providing a stable and consistent platform for vehicle operation. The Retainer Plate uses built-in clamps and fasteners to ensure tight attachment of the components. Over time, these clamps may wear out, causing the instruments to rattle or potentially dislodge, leading to distraction or potential malfunctions during driving. Genuine Toyota parts like this Retainer Plate are crucial for compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By securely holding the instruments in place, the Instrument Retainer Plate (#55312-60091) contributes to the efficient functioning of the vehicle's control system and enhances safety by ensuring easy accessibility and visibility of important vehicle information.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 55312-60090
Part Number 55312-60091

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