Inverter Cover Plate

About this product

The Inverter Cover Plate (#G9287-33010), a critical part of Toyota's Caution Plate (Exterior & Interior) system, safeguards the sensitive inverter components from external damages such as debris, heat, or moisture. This plate, when functioning properly, provides a protective shield, thereby extending the lifespan of the inverter. However, over time, this cover plate can degrade, which can compromise its protective function. Like any other part, it necessitates periodic replacement to sustain optimal vehicle performance. A non-functional or broken Inverter Cover Plate (#G9287-33010) can expose the inverter to damaging elements resulting in a potential system failure. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Inverter Cover Plate (#G9287-33010), offer compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part, when maintained well, contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's Caution Plate system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G9287-33010

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