Noise Control Plate #3

About this product

The Noise Control Plate #3 (#61826-52020), a vital component in the Body Roof Panel & Back Window Glass and the Body Side Member systems of a Toyota vehicle, plays a fundamental role in reducing noise and vibration. This plate, when functioning optimally, creates a quieter, more enjoyable ride by attenuating road and wind noise, and lessening the vibration transmitted to the vehicle's cabin. As with any auto part, the Noise Control Plate #3 (#61826-52020) can wear out or break over time, leading to increased noise and vibration levels. This can create an uncomfortable and potentially distracting driving environment. Regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts, which are designed for compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is highly recommended. In conclusion, the Noise Control Plate #3 (#61826-52020) is a critical element, contributing significantly to the overall comfort and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61826-52020

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