Pump Impeller Drive Plate

About this product

The Pump Impeller Drive Plate (#32111-52120), a Drive-Chassis part in the Torque Converter, Front Oil Pump (CVT) system, plays a crucial role in maintaining the proper functioning of your Toyota vehicle. This component drives the impeller, which in turn circulates the transmission fluid - a process necessary for the smooth operation of the vehicle. The Pump Impeller Drive Plate (#32111-52120), like any part, is subject to wear and tear and, over time, may become less effective or non-functional. In such cases, it can lead to the torque converter's failure, resulting in poor vehicle performance and possible safety risks. Hence, periodic replacement of this part with genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is highly recommended for optimal compatibility and vehicle performance. A well-maintained Pump Impeller Drive Plate (#32111-52120) contributes significantly to the efficiency of the torque converter, thereby ensuring a smooth and safe riding experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 32111-52120

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