Radiator Upper Air Guide Plate

About this product

The Radiator Upper Air Guide Plate (#16681-F0030) is a valuable body part situated within the Front Fender Apron & Dash Panel system of your Toyota vehicle. Its primary function is to streamline the airflow to the radiator, thereby promoting effective cooling. By channeling air efficiently, it helps maintain optimal operating temperatures, which is crucial for the overall performance of your car. Over time, the Radiator Upper Air Guide Plate (#16681-F0030) can become aged or damaged, potentially obstructing the airflow and causing the engine to overheat. This makes its periodic replacement vital for maintaining your car's cooling system. Opting for a genuine Toyota part not only ensures compatibility with your vehicle but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Radiator Upper Air Guide Plate (#16681-F0030) plays a vital role in maintaining the efficiency of the cooling system and, by extension, the overall performance of your car.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 16681-25020
Part Number 16681-F0030

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