Meter Circ Plate Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Meter Circ Plate Sub-Assembly (#83247-17650), an electrical part in the Meter system, plays a crucial role in the functioning of your Toyota vehicle. This component is responsible for processing and displaying the vital data related to your vehicle's operation, such as speed, temperature, and fuel level. As part of its function, it works with various other components within the Meter system. Over time, the Meter Circ Plate Sub-Assembly (#83247-17650) may wear down, become clogged or even break, leading to incorrect data being displayed. This can compromise not only the vehicle's efficiency but safety as well. Therefore, regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended. These original parts provide unparalleled compatibility with your Toyota vehicle, enhancing its performance and longevity. Plus, Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs them for added peace of mind. An efficient Meter Circ Plate Sub-Assembly (#83247-17650) contributes to the smooth operation and overall safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 83247-17650

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