Seat Back Stopper Plate

About this product

The Seat Back Stopper Plate (#72569-60030), a crucial Body part functioning within the Seat & Seat Track system, is pivotal in maintaining the stability and position of the car seat. It works by preventing the seat back from falling backward beyond its intended position, thereby supporting comfort and safety for the driver and passengers. Regular replacement of this part is crucial as over time, it could become worn or break, causing instability in the seat back and compromising safety during driving. Authentic Toyota parts offer optimal compatibility and longevity, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Seat Back Stopper Plate (#72569-60030)'s role is not only about comfort but also safety, as it contributes significantly to the overall functioning of the seating system. Properly functioning parts like the Seat Back Stopper Plate (#72569-60030) play a key role in the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72569-60030

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