
About this product

The Plate-Starter (#SU003-00475) is an integral component within the Starter system of Toyota vehicles. This Engine-Fuel part's primary role is to facilitate the ignition process of the engine by ensuring the smooth engagement of the starter motor with the engine's flywheel. It's a crucial bridge between the starter and the engine, which if not functioning properly due to age or damage, could lead to ignition issues and potentially prohibit the vehicle from starting. When the Plate-Starter (#SU003-00475) becomes old or broken, it's necessary to replace it with a genuine Toyota part to maintain vehicle compatibility and performance. Genuine Toyota parts are not only designed to fit perfectly but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing peace of mind for customers. Ultimately, a well-functioning Plate-Starter (#SU003-00475) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle’s Starter system, enabling reliable starts and optimal vehicle operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00475

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