
About this product

The Plate (#SU003-02080) is an essential electrical component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system of Toyota vehicles. This part plays a significant role in maintaining the ideal temperature inside the vehicle, contributing to the overall comfort of passengers and the driver. The Plate (#SU003-02080) works by effectively managing the flow of electricity within the system, ensuring that the vehicle's cooling and heating functions operate seamlessly. Just like any other auto part, the Plate (#SU003-02080)'s efficiency can diminish over time due to wear and tear. When it becomes old, clogged or broken, the system may fail to regulate the vehicle's temperature, leading to discomfort or even potential harm to other related systems. Genuine Toyota parts like the Plate (#SU003-02080) are crucial for vehicle compatibility. They are specifically designed for Toyota vehicles, contributing to their performance and durability. Moreover, these genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing added assurance for customers. Therefore, regular replacement of the Plate (#SU003-02080) is recommended to maintain the efficiency of the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system, thereby enhancing the overall performance and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02080

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