Floor Side Rail Plate Sub-Assembly Right Hand

About this product

The Floor Side Rail Plate Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#57045-28010), a crucial body part within the Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member system, plays a major role in the structural integrity of a Toyota vehicle. It functions as a support structure to the chassis, bearing the weight and tension exerted during operation. This part works in harmony with other components, like the floor side silencer sheet and the floor panel assembly, to uphold the strength and stability of the vehicle. Over time, wear and tear can lead to potential degradation of these parts, thus it is vital to replace them periodically with genuine Toyota parts for optimal vehicle compatibility. Genuine parts are also backed by Toyota's parts warranty. A worn or broken Floor Side Rail Plate Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#57045-28010) may compromise the vehicle's structural stability, safety, and performance. Thus, maintaining this part is crucial to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 57045-28010

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