Lower Arm Attachment Plate Sub-Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Lower Arm Attachment Plate Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#48608-0C011) is a significant component in the Drive-Chassis category, specifically in the Front Axle Arm & Steering Knuckle system of a Toyota vehicle. This auto part plays a pivotal role in connecting the suspension components to the frame of the vehicle. It ensures the smooth operation of steering and maneuvering of the car, contributing to its overall stability and safety. Over time, this part can wear out or get damaged, potentially affecting the car's handling and overall performance. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota auto parts is recommended. These genuine parts are not only fully compatible with your vehicle, but also come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a well-functioning Lower Arm Attachment Plate Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#48608-0C011) is crucial for the efficient operation and safety of your Toyota vehicle, thereby underscoring its importance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48608-0C011

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