Out Seat Track Lock Plate Sub-Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Out Seat Track Lock Plate Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#72208-48020) is a vital component within the body of any Toyota vehicle, specifically in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system. This part is primarily responsible for helping to secure the seat track, providing stability and security. The functionality of the lock plate assembly is dependent on a series of interconnected components, all working together to bolster the safety of the occupants. However, over time, this part may wear out or break, affecting the safety and performance of the vehicle. Replacing the part with a genuine Toyota Out Seat Track Lock Plate Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#72208-48020) mitigates these risks. Remember, genuine parts are designed for perfect compatibility and backed by Toyota's parts warranty. In conclusion, the Out Seat Track Lock Plate Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#72208-48020) contributes significantly to the overall safety of the vehicles, providing an essential layer of security within the Rear Seat & Seat Track system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72208-48020

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